Wednesday, August 31, 2016

                                         " Education is the latch key to success in life"
                                                                     Gordon B. Hinckley

What this quote means to me is that if you want a good life or a good career you have to have a good education. Most of the jobs out there need you to have a high school diploma. If you dont have a high school diploma then you don't have a job. your'e more likely to get a good job if you have an education. not only do you need an education for a job but in everyday life. For talking taxes groceries. You're going to need some type of education to do these things. That is what this quote means to me.

Monday, August 29, 2016


                           "Decisions Determine Destiny"
                                                                   -Thomas S. Monson

This statement revolves by me because its true and it reminds you what should you do or not do to reach a goal. If you do anything that is good or bad for you it is going to affect your life one way or another. That reminds me of what is good for my future. You might think that if you do something bad it will never come back to you but that is when you're wrong it's like a lie it will always come back to you. So what you do is up to you but always keep in mind how it will affect your life. Because once you do something you can't take it back. I'm not saying that I have never done anything wrong I have and I've been lucky that my outcomes were never serious. I still make mistakes today but if it has anything to do with my education I'll try to make the least mistakes possible. We all make mistakes and that's okay but try not to make mistakes that will ruin your future. That is what this quote means to me.

Image result for decisions determine destiny thomas s monson real life scenarios

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Image result for luigi's mansionImage result for call of duty

My Hobbies: 
I like playing video games and reading. My favorite video games are COD (Call of Duty), Luigi's Mansion, Five Nights At Freddy's, and Minecraft. My favorite books are Percy Jackson series

"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." -Benjamin Franklin

All of these have no meaning at the end, all of them wither away. The only thing that stays is a heart that has done no wrong. That is what ...