Tuesday, January 24, 2017


"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right." - Dean Smith
      In my opinion this is an important lesson to learn because you shouldn't do the right thing to get attention, you should do it because it's the right thing to do. Dean never looked for the attention. He was recognized for being himself. You should never look for attention by being good, be good because it's the right thing to do. Dean will be remembered for being himself not pretending to be someone else.

Image result for dean smith

Friday, January 20, 2017


“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead life the RIGHT WAY, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you” - Dr. Randy Pausch
  I agree with Dr. Randy because you could be focused on that one dream but what happens to the rest of your life. As long as you lead your life the right way your dreams will be reached. You don’t have to work to hard for your dreams to be completed as long as you're good you have nothing to worry about. All will work out, as long as your good.


Interior Designer
I don’t know what I want to be but if i had to choose it would have to interior designer. I like decorating and organizing items. I think I like it because I find it relaxing and creative at the same time. You get to organize stuff the way you like it. The decorating is fun to. You can take the most dull room and make it your own.
   To be an interior designer I would have to go to college for two years to get my bachelors degree. To be an interior designer I would have to have a bright attitude and have more patience.
If I don’t end up liking this career I will go into the medical field.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Topic:Medical Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Medical assistants help by answering phone calls, filling out insurance forms, explain the medical procedures for a patient,and to get the patient ready for examination.
Salary: Medical assistants earn about $30,590 a year.
Education: You need a Postsecondary nondegree award to be able to qualify for an M.A .

No, I wouldn’t want to be an Medical Assistant because they do too little. I want something more interesting. They do the same stuff an office assistant would do.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the true goal of education. - Martin Luther King Jr.

  I agree with Martin Luther King Jr, intelligence and character are both important. You can be really smart but hang around with wrong crowd or you can be a slow person and have great manners. You would want to have a good amount of intelligence and a good amount of character, an equal amount of both. To increase your intelligence you have to study, do all your homework, try to improve yourself, etc. to have good character you have to be polite to other people, be respectful, never lie, be humble, the list is on and on. You cannot just have intelligence to be educated you also must have character. That is the true goal of character, intelligence and character.


Topic: Kinesiologist
The duties and responsibilities of a kinesiologist are analyzing the movements of the human. They monitor the the muscle movement reduce muscle pain by doing healing techniques. These people try to find a way the body can function better. These doctors make up to $56,980 annually. It takes four years of college to be a kinesiologist. The classes you need to take for this profession are human anatomy, nutrition, sport fitness, exercise physiology, and motor learning.
      I wouldn’t want to be a kinesiologist because I’m not interested in this type of work. It seems kind of boring to me. I would rather pick a career that goes into specific type of people.

Monday, January 9, 2017


“We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn’t do” - Richard L. Evans

I agree with Richard Evans, people give up on certain things because they don’t see courage in themselves. If you think about it you need courage to do anything. If you want something done you have to believe that you can do it. You need to push through to get what you want.


Winter Break

I didn’t really do anything during break most of the time I just stayed in doors because I was sick for all of the break. The first week of break I went to Palmdale to see my godmother I stayed there for about a week, we went to the mall for Christmas shopping. The rest of the week was kind of boring because my godmother was working all week. The next week I went home and my mom took us to the mall for clothes and Christmas presents. On Christmas eve for me and my two other sisters went to my grandma’ house to celebrate Christmas. I got some clothes for Christmas and my mom got me a Virtual Reality System and an electric guitar. The next day we didn’t really do anything just played video games. On the last week I decided to do extra credit homework- which was to read a book and to write three pages about what happens in the book. I decided to do the book on New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. On our last weekend of break I slept over my grandma’s house, played games on my phone. I also helped my sister do her homework that she decided to do on the last minute. That is pretty much it that’s all I did during the break.

"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all." -Benjamin Franklin

All of these have no meaning at the end, all of them wither away. The only thing that stays is a heart that has done no wrong. That is what ...